May 22, 2024

30th Jubilee of the Danish Consulate and Knight 1st Class of the Order of the Dannebrog for Mukaetov

The Royal Danish Consulate General in Skopje was established in July 1994 by decree of Her Majesty Queen Margarethe II, who appointed Trajche Mukaetov to the function Honorary Consul General. In 2007, this post was taken over by Zhivko Mukaetov. Visa applications, residence and work permits, Danish passports and driving licenses, the immigrant crisis in 1999, the entry of Denmark into the Schengen zone in 2002, assistance during high state visits, assistance during various challenges faced by Danes in the country, but also promotion of the economic cooperation and the Danish culture – are some of the activities this Consular post is working on in the past 30 years.

“The ties between North Macedonia and Denmark are built on shared values, mutual interests, and a common view on how to engage with the world. A key aspect of our work to strengthen these ties is to help North Macedonia move forward on its path to the EU. We will, of course, continue that work with the new government of North Macedonia. In this regard, I also want to point out that Denmark will assume the EU Presidency in 2025, and EU enlargement will be an important element of our presidency. In all of Denmark’s engagement with North Macedonia, the Royal Danish Consulate General has played a central role and will continue to do so” – said H.E. Ambassador Susanne Shine during her address on the occasion of marking the jubilee.

On behalf of the Danish Government, Ambassador Shine expressed her gratitude to Mukaetov for his skillful diplomacy, steadfast commitment, and unfailing professionalism as Consul General. Besides the jubilee, Her Excellency presented one more occasion for celebration – the elevation of Zhivko Mukaetov from Knight of the Order of Dannebrog (the order he received in 2016), to Knight 1st Class of the Order of Dannebrog: 

“This great honor was one of the last decorations of Her Majesty the Queen before abdicating the throne in favor of her son, His Majesty King Frederik the 10th” – said Ambassador Shine during the decoration procedure.

The Order of the Dannebrog, also known as Order of the Danish Flag, was first introduced in 1671 by King Christian V. At the time, this order had only one grade called White Knight. In 1808, upon initiative of King Frederik IV, the Order of the Dannebrog was divided into four increasing degrees of distinction, the highest one being bestowed only upon members of the Royal House. The Order of the Dannebrog, which is one of the oldest orders in the world, is presented to individuals as recognition for their contribution in representing the interests of the Kingdom of Denmark, meritorious civil or military service, special contributions in the sphere of art, science or business. The Danish Chapter of the Royal Orders of Chivalry contains nearly 40.000 autobiographies of decorated individuals since 1884.

Since June 2023, Mukaetov is also performing the function of Consul of Kingdom of Norway.