
    A new multinational company enters Romania, joining one of the most competitive markets. Where does this company, with nearly nine decades of history, originate, and what are its plans for the local market?

    Bloomberg Adria Interview of Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov, Chief Executive Officer and Management Board President of Alkaloid AD Skopje


      Bloomberg Adria Interview of Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov, Chief Executive Officer and Management Board President of Alkaloid AD Skopje

      Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Magazin Biznis”


        Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Magazin Biznis”

        The countries in this region are our traditional export markets because they have known our products for 85 years. We also export to the European Union, Russia and CIS, North America, and some countries in the Middle East. We have also added Canada, Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, and Saudi Arabia to our list of new markets in the past several years.

        Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Nedeljnik”


          Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Nedeljnik”

          Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the business magazine "Economy and Business"


            Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the business magazine "Economy and Business"

            Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for AmCham

              Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for AmCham

              A new multinational company enters Romania, joining one of the most competitive markets. Where does this company, with nearly nine decades of history, originate, and what are its plans for the local market?


                A new multinational company enters Romania, joining one of the most competitive markets. Where does this company, with nearly nine decades of history, originate, and what are its plans for the local market?

                Bloomberg Adria Interview of Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov, Chief Executive Officer and Management Board President of Alkaloid AD Skopje


                  Bloomberg Adria Interview of Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov, Chief Executive Officer and Management Board President of Alkaloid AD Skopje

                  Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Magazin Biznis”


                    Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Magazin Biznis”

                    The countries in this region are our traditional export markets because they have known our products for 85 years. We also export to the European Union, Russia and CIS, North America, and some countries in the Middle East. We have also added Canada, Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, and Saudi Arabia to our list of new markets in the past several years.

                    Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Nedeljnik”


                      Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Nedeljnik”

                      Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the business magazine "Economy and Business"


                        Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the business magazine "Economy and Business"

                        Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for AmCham

                          Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for AmCham

                          A new multinational company enters Romania, joining one of the most competitive markets. Where does this company, with nearly nine decades of history, originate, and what are its plans for the local market?


                            A new multinational company enters Romania, joining one of the most competitive markets. Where does this company, with nearly nine decades of history, originate, and what are its plans for the local market?

                            Bloomberg Adria Interview of Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov, Chief Executive Officer and Management Board President of Alkaloid AD Skopje


                              Bloomberg Adria Interview of Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov, Chief Executive Officer and Management Board President of Alkaloid AD Skopje

                              Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Magazin Biznis”


                                Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Magazin Biznis”

                                The countries in this region are our traditional export markets because they have known our products for 85 years. We also export to the European Union, Russia and CIS, North America, and some countries in the Middle East. We have also added Canada, Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, and Saudi Arabia to our list of new markets in the past several years.

                                Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Nedeljnik”


                                  Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the Serbian magazine “Nedeljnik”

                                  Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the business magazine "Economy and Business"


                                    Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for the business magazine "Economy and Business"

                                    Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for AmCham

                                      Interview of the CEO / President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje for AmCham

                                      A new multinational company enters Romania, joining one of the most competitive markets. Where does this company, with nearly nine decades of history, originate, and what are its plans for the local market?

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                                      Целосно посветени на остварувањето на ESG-целите дефинирани во нашата ESG-стратегија, АЛКАЛОИД реализираше бројни активности, проекти и иницијативи, соодветно прилагодени на потребите на опкружувањето. Нашата стратешка заложба за континуиран одржлив развој и постојано унапредување на сите ESG-сегменти резултира со значајни достигнувања во сите области на еколошкото, општественото и корпоративното управување. Преку транспарентно и етичко известување ја запознаваме јавноста со остварените резултати, демонстрирајќи ја нашата посветеност за одговорно однесување кон заедницата и кон луѓето пред сè. #АлкалоидСкопје #ЗдравјетоПредСе


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                                      На свечената церемонија по повод доделувањето на годишните награди на Македонската берза за 2024 година, која се одржа на 16 декември 2024 година, АЛКАЛОИД АД Скопје ги доби престижните награди за Најтранспарентно котирано акционерско друштво по избор на медиумите, Најтранспарентно котирано акционерско друштво по избор на пазарните учесници, Акција на годината врз основа на резултатите од гласовите на пошироката јавност од заедничката анкета на Македонската берза и на порталот „Фактор“ и наградата за Добри ESG-практики доделена од Македонската берза во соработка со Американската стопанска комора во Северна Македонија. Прочитајте повеќе bit.ly/3OZPRCn #АлкалоидСкопје #ЗдравјетоПредСе


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