Dec 17, 2021

“Alkaloid” puts in use its own education and training center

Human potential is of great importance for the growth and development of "Alkaloid" AD Skopje, and the professional approach to operations, the prosperity of the company and its credibility are due to decades of investment in the company principle "People Above All".

In the last 15 years, the number of employees in “Alkaloid”AD Skopje has grown from 1.200 to 2.500. The decades of investments in education of Macedonian doctors and pharmacists, the recent internship programs, the latest venture for partial dual education and similar projects have necessitated the establishment of an own education and training center within the company, which will serve for performing exercises, rehearsals and trainings for company staff, interns and students.

In less than 8 months, an area of around 1.000 square meters was adapted, modernized and equipped in accordance with the latest requirements for good laboratory practice, so the company employees, interns and students can have the possibility to upgrade their knowledge and improve their skills in modern facilities. "Alkaloid has invested over 1 million euros in this so far and in the future, this facility will be expanded and upgraded to grow into a modern education center, which will fully serve the requirements of the dynamic scientific disciplines we work with", said Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov, CEO and President of the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje.

The education and training center is built with full energy efficiency and the installed systems are powered by renewable energy sources i.e. they have a low impact on the environment. Within the education center there is a training laboratory, which includes a central laboratory, a room for data processing, special rooms for precision scales and ultrasonic baths, two lecture halls and other auxiliary rooms, which provide a technological unit for normal operation of about 50 professionals.