Mar 5, 2021

Annual shareholders meeting

Dear shareholders,

Alkaloid AD Skopje announces that the Annual shareholders meeting will be held on 05.04.2021 at 08:00 hours at the premises of the Company, on Blvd. Aleksandar Makedonski 12, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

At its meeting held on 04.03.2021, the Management Board of Alkaloid AD Skopje reached a Draft-Decision for dividend payment for 2020. The amount of the dividend per share purposed to the annual shareholders meeting is MKD 400.00 gross, or MKD 360.00 net, which compared to the dividend per share for 2019 in amount of MKD 360.00 gross, or MKD 324.00 net is a 11% increase on net basis.

Dividend shall be paid on shareholders transaction accounts.

For all the details please visit here.

Alkaloid AD Skopje
Management board

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