May 28, 2024


The "Red Cross of the City of Skopje" awarded Alkaloid's CEO and President of the Management Board, Zhivko Mukaetov, the "Oscar of Humanity" in the "Premium Partner" category for his continuous support of the organization’s humanitarian mission over the past eight decades.

"It is our pleasure to grant the 'Premium Partner' award to Mr. Zhivko Mukaetov at this 'Oscar of Humanity' event. His personal commitment motivates the collective development of social responsibility at Alkaloid AD Skopje. As a recognized figure in the community, Mr. Mukaetov stands out by supporting the Red Cross's programs and activities, providing selfless help, and setting a positive example. He is a supporter of our activities and a partner and friend of humanity. The Red Cross ranks high on his personal and professional agenda," said representatives from the "Red Cross of the City of Skopje."

The "Oscar of Humanity" event was part of a series of activities celebrating World Red Cross, Red Crescent Day, and Red Cross Week (8-15 May).

In addition to the Premium Oscar for Humanity, prizes were awarded in several other categories: corporate sector, educational institutions, local government, and media.

"For our company and me as an individual, the Red Cross represents charity, solidarity, humanity, and support. It is a place that extends a hand to anyone in need and an open door for the most vulnerable social groups. It serves as a starting point for every individual or company that wants to be socially responsible," said Mukaetov.

In recent years, Alkaloid has collaborated with the Red Cross of RNM and the Red Cross of the City of Skopje on various social-humanitarian and blood donation activities. The company's Society of Blood Donors has been active for more than 50 years. In the last year and a half alone, Alkaloid organized three blood donation drives, collecting more than 400 units of blood. Additionally, in 2013, Alkaloid helped renovate and rebrand the Daily Blood Donation Centre and continues to support its ongoing operation. Recently, Alkaloid carried out several mass actions to donate clothes and food at collection points across its three sites.

Globally, the Red Cross's "Oscar of Humanity" emphasizes the commitment to preserving and encouraging humanity in each individual in their community. Through the symbolism of solidarity efforts, we pay homage to Henry Dunant, who founded the idea of establishing the Red Cross. We also thank the 16 million volunteers in 191 Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement countries who dedicate their time to voluntary service, always ready to engage in local humanitarian actions for the global good.